Service Description
Solid hardwood floors are made of planks milled from a single piece of timber. Solid hardwood floors were originally used for structural purposes, being installed perpendicular to the wooden support beams of a building known as joists or bearers. With the increased use of concrete as a subfloor in some parts of the world, engineered wood flooring has gained some popularity. However, solid wood floors are still common and popular.

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Initial Planning
Construction planning is a fundamental and challenging activity in the management and execution of construction projects. It involves the choice of technology, the definition of work tasks, the estimation of the required.
Give your quotation our expert think how much need to complete your project and time frame Pellentesque accumsan est in tempus etos ullamcorper, sem quam suscipit lacus maecenas tortor. Erates vitae node metus. Suspendisse gravida ornare non mattis velit rutrum modest. Morbi suspendisse a tortor velim pellentesque uter justo magna gravida et maecenas. Morbi suspendisse a tortor velim pellentesque uter justo magna gravida et maecenas.
Pellentesque accumsan est in tempus etos ullamcorper, sem quam suscipit lacus maecenas tortor. Erates vitae node metus. Suspendisse gravida ornare non mattis velit rutrum modest. Morbi suspendisse a tortor velim pellentesque uter justo magna gravida et maecenas.
which can be tough to get without a previous banking history because of the lack of collateral (a finished home), have special guidelines and include monitoring to ensure timely completion so your repayment can begin promptly. Our construction Services is a multi-task company specializing in the following core areas:
Yes we have 100 sub branch. Our storage located in many cities in each country where we have branch.

A contractor is assigned to a construction project once the design has been completed by the person or is still in progress.
Construct assigned to a highly experience engineer for the reason low costing we offer your project.
Soil Testing
The soil and the bearing capacity of the ground & to conduct environmental tests. With this information.
Specific gravity of soil
Specific gravity of soil is the ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of the water.
Qualities of Good Brick
Brick Earth: Brick earth should be free from stones, kankars, organic matter, saltpetre and harmful chemical etc
Qualities of Cement
The quality of cement on site at the time of preliminary inspection. It is should be check out engineer.